I was kindly invited to help with the Brand Perfect Tour event in Berlin yesterday. I wasn't quite sure of what to expect going into it. We had done a bit of prep for the afternoon's workshops, but I couldn't picture what delegates would have got out of the day.
Now I know.
The telling moment for me was when I was dragged out of the post event drinks to make my way to the airport. I didn't resent it so much because of the (excellent) Prosecco I was leaving behind, but because I was watching people from different disciplines making new connections, exchanging notes and imagining new possibilities.
I think that the buzz was created by two themes that ran through the day, starting with Aral's opening keynote and replayed across all of our contributions as speakers and facilitators:
1) Do not settle for mediocrity, however tempting. Coherent visuals, behaviour and functionality are what will make your brand stand out;
2) New processes are needed if brands are to achieve that. It's about collaboration, and thinking of your mobile presence as a product, rather than a project.
So thanks to Monotype for creating a forum where mobile experts can mix with brand and marketing practitioners, sharing evidence and techniques rather than sales pitches. Looking forward to the next event in London!